Kuzushiji Workshop 2024 (University of Strasbourg)
Kotenseki: Mainly focus on materials held in and around Strasbourg |
Session 1 | Album of surimono held at Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg ストラスブール装飾美術館所蔵 俳諧一枚摺貼り交ぜ帖 |
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Kotenseki: Mainly focus on materials held in and around Strasbourg |
Session 1 | Album of surimono held at Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg ストラスブール装飾美術館所蔵 俳諧一枚摺貼り交ぜ帖 |
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The NIJL/EAJRS Kuzushi-ji Workshop will be held between 17 and 19 April 2024 at University of Strasbourg. Please note that this year’s workshop will NOT be online. The workshop is free of charge. If you would like to participate the workshop, please fill in the application form, and submit it by email attachment to a.hirano@sainsbury-institute.org by 4 February. Registration is closed.
Kotenseki: Cambridge University Library collection |
The NIJL/EAJRS Kuzushi-ji Workshop will be held online 19-21 April 2023. This year, Cambridge University Library will provide some material for the workshop. The workshop is free of charge. If you wish to apply for the workshop, please fill in the application form, and submit it to a.hirano@sainsbury-institute.org by end of 12 March. The detailed information can be found here:
Kotenseki: Deciphering Chester Beatty Collection |
The NIJL/EAJRS Kuzushi-ji Workshop will be held online between 20 and 23 April 2022. This year, the Chester Beatty will provide some of its collections for the workshop. The workshop is free of charge. If you wish to apply for the workshop, please fill in the application form, and submit it by 13 March. The detailed information can be found in this PDF.
Date: 3 days: 21-23 April 2021, 10:30-15:50 (Central Europe Summer Time)
Instructors: Professor Yamamoto Kazuaki, first 5 sessions on 古典籍. Associate Professor Ōta Naohiro, last 4 sessions on 古文書.
Committee Members: Akira Hirano, Naomi Yabe Magnussen, Izumi Tytler (adviser)
Format: ZOOM (supported by Oslo University). 3 sessions a day. 70 minutes a session. Each session had lecture part and practise part.
The 2021 online Kuzushiji workshop is now accepting applications. If you have any questions about the workshop you can contact Mr. Akira Hirano of the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures directly: a.hirano@sainsbury-institute.org
We are pleased to announce that we are preparing to hold the NIJL/EAJRS Kuzushiji Workshop in online format in the spring of 2021. As this Workshop series has never been held in online, we are having rigorous discussion with NIJL to be able to deliver the most effective means of the workshop in these pandemic circumstances. Detailed information such as the schedule, contents, and method of the workshop will be notified when we reach a final decision by early 2021.
主催 | 大学共同利用機関法人 人間文化研究機構 国文学研究資料館 日本資料専門家欧州協会 (EAJRS European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists) |
共催 | オスロ大学図書館 University of Oslo Library |