Yabuta Yutaka
Hyogo Prefectural Museum of History. Director

Keynote: 日本の「旧家」に眠る資料-政事・文事・家事












Keynote: Materials from Old Houses in Japan: Politics, Culture, and Household Matters

With the expansion of the digital humanities, the field of Japanese Studies is progressing on a global scale. Within this environment, researchers wishing to access archival materials from abroad will first and foremost make use of digitized texts that have been transcribed and imaged, followed by historical records housed in museums, archives, and research libraries. However, transcribed texts have been edited and are therefore no longer original. In addition, museums, archives, and research libraries organize materials according to their respective cataloguing requirements. This is because public institutions receiving donations of archival materials have to make these materials available to the public. The materials are thus subjected to a ‘New (Archival) Order’. 

As a result, there is no way of knowing who originally compiled these materials and how they were handed down and held in private homes, thereby obscuring the ‘Old (Archival) Order’ and irretrievably separating it from the ‘New (Archival) Order’. 

However, it is often possible to access the ‘Old (Archival) Order’ in Japan, mainly because of the surviving houses of old families who were of peasant, craftsmen, or merchant stock and who lived in towns and villages. In these houses, historical and local experiences from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries have been stored in the form of diverse materials and cultural assets. These have recently been coined 'historical-and-cultural-heritage'. Initially, the architectural structure of these old houses tends to draw the attention of researchers as a cultural asset in its own right. At the same time, and sometimes with delay, research is conducted into the materials including artworks, old books, historical documents, furniture, and tools that make up the household possessions. At that moment, the key to the storehouse is unlocked. 

Opportunities to research materials kept in old houses throughout Japan are mainly available to researchers living in Japan, giving them an advantage over researchers based abroad. At the same time, these opportunities rest on the advancement of the efforts of local governments, including prefectures, cities, towns, and villages, in compiling local histories, so-called ‘Municipal History Compilations’. These compilations are rooted in trends in historical research in the postwar period, drawing contributions from historians and those involved with cultural properties, and continuing to the present day. I am one of these historians, and I have discussed various problems of historical research in the context of these projects. Now approaching the end of my research career, and considering the radical changes driven by the advancement of the digital humanities, I feel the need to reflect upon my past research, particularly regarding the question of understanding the 'world of the old houses'. 

This is the subject of this report, and it is hypothetically presented as an overlap of three fields: a. Politics, b. Culture and c. Household Matters.

A 'Politics' addresses the relationships that village headmen, town elders, money exchangers, rice brokers, elite merchants and others had with the political powers of the time. These relations were embedded in the political system of early modern Japan, and they have been the subject of extensive research in the fields of village history and regional political history.

B 'Culture' includes diverse cultural practices such as Noh chanting, the tea ceremony, calligraphy, painting, and medical practice. This diversity was driven by the spread of literati not only in the cities but also in the countryside. Items in the ‘culture’ section are usually housed in museums and in art galleries, and they have been the subject of research in the fields of art history and more recently book history. 

C. 'Household matters' include the structure of the house, family relations, family lineages and genealogy. A particular focus has been on studying wealthy peasant-merchant houses and notable families in historical research, as well as in the fields of women's history and gender studies.

Although these three fields have become staples for conducting research in Japanese Studies, the biggest remaining problem is the fact that the interrelationships among A. 'Politics', B. 'Culture' and C. 'Household matters' have been neglected thus far. By addressing these specifically below, I will present the 'world of the old houses' through the lens of the interrelationships among these three fields.